Ramadan (fasting month) has started! | PT.SAKURA MITRA ...

Ramadan (fasting month), it has successfully survived even ...

Ramadan (fasting month) has started! | PT.SAKURA MITRA ... The Ramadan? Screen of Ramadan app In recent years, also appeared handy smartphone app to say that when it is time azan (cue of choice) is heard. [Ramadan (Ramazan): fasting month] and is the nickname of the Islamic calendar of th of the month. Islamic calendar is lunar (measure the calendar as a reference to the period of the phases of the moon:. Months about days), so, on the solar calendar you're using in Japan, the start of Ramadan will be earlier about every year days. This year's Ramadan in Pakistan was the days of the month from date. Muslims will be about time fasting of Ramadan period, from sunrise to sunset. During the day it is tough fasting is said to be do not drink even saliva rather than water, but the staff of the AAR Pakistan office was running indifferently fasting a surprisingly healthy likely. However, operation of the people who get to return home and become around before during the afternoon just before the fasting dawn of day is rough, I feel tingling atmosphere.

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