Ramadan (fasting month) has started! | PT.SAKURA MITRA ...

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Ramadan (fasting month) has started! | PT.SAKURA MITRA ... In the previous [Dubai daytime part in Ramadan], we introduced Dubai state of the Ramadan period, of non-Muslims living, and the like. Ramadan of between one month, people that fasting from sunrise to sunset, not only meal water also does not to mouth. Devout Muslims, tries to avoid even swallow saliva. For those not familiar with Islamic culture, it will feel like just a penance. However, in fact the people of Muslims we have this Ramadan to look forward. Print that was distributed to students in the Japanese school children attend before Ramadan [how to spend during Ramadan]. Teacher of Japanese school was Yes in the planning for Ramadan understanding that ask me about Ramadan in the interview to the teacher of Arabic who works in a Japanese school, wrote as follows. Teacher: Is not painful to the fasting. Amal's: with or know the richness of their own or know the poor man's feelings, increases the feeling of gratitude to many things. In addition, we are during Ramadan can eat gathered in the whole family, feast eaten.

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